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About ILB-202

ILIAS’s lead program, ILB-202, is an exosome containing the
anti-inflammatory protein super-repressor lκB (srlκB) and is
being developed for therapeutic use in inflammatory diseases
including both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases.
The inflammatory responses in various disease models can
be attenuated through the introduction of srlκB, the dominant
active form of lκBα, and can inhibit the translocation of nuclear
factor κB into the nucleus.

Previously developed treatments target only upstream
signaling pathways, while ILB-202 lowers the chance of
off-target effects by directly targeting cytosolic core
inflammation signals.

in vitro & in vivo proof-of-concept data

Sepsis model

Acute Kidney Injury(AKI) model

Preterm Birth(PTB) model